Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendour and majesty. Psalm 104:1

Persecuted Church


In many countries, Christians are harassed, discriminated against, slandered, unjustly accused, summarily arrested and sometimes imprisoned, beaten, exiled or killed. The violence comes both from governments and religious extremists. Your prayers can focus on four groups.

Individuals – Pray that they:
  • remain strong in faith and trust despite physical and psychological abuse
  • will be able to forgive those who persecute them or who fail to support them
  • will experience and know love, joy and peace from God (Romans 8:28-39)
  • will walk humbly in their identification with Christ’s sufferings
  • will be fruitful witnesses to others
  • will be able to balance standing up for their rights, yet responding in grace and love
Spouses – Pray that they:
  • cope with the sense of loss and isolation
  • cope with caring and providing for children alone
  • remain full of faith and hope
  • overcome any intimidation from police or other aggressors
Children – Pray that they:
  • are protected from long term psychological/emotional harm and bitterness
  • are protected from abduction or the “corrective teaching” some States try to impose
  • might know and experience the love of God
Converts – Pray that they:
  • receive help to grow spiritually
  • are protected and provided for should their family or community turn against them
  • will have the courage to lead others to know Christ

Almighty God, who has taught us through your Son Jesus Christ that those who follow Him may be persecuted; strengthen, comfort and encourage all those who suffer harassment, violence, imprisonment and even death for being followers of Jesus. We pray for those who persecute your people; may their hearts be turned towards you through the faithful witness of those they persecute. Protect members of the families and church communities of those who are persecuted as we support those who are suffering and seek to be a voice of persecuted Christians.

Join me in praying for the persecuted church. Regular monthly prayers in person in central London to pray for countries from the World Watch List.

ML King: “Loving Your Enemies” echoes through all of his speeches. It is the message upon which he built his life—that love is “creative,” and that only love is capable of transforming hate into love. Therefore, to change the world, love has to be extended to everyone—even to our enemies.

To support persecuted Christians around the world, especially those who have internet access, several online tools and services can help you get involved. Here are some suggestions: